Customer Service

Rockcreek Steel Drums is committed to 100% customer satisfaction. If you are unable to find the answers to your questions here, please email us.
safe shopping policy
Because your credit card security is a high priority, we have taken numerous steps to ensure that your payment information is processed confidentially, accurately and securely. uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an encryption technology that protects your credit card information. SSL encrypts all ordering information (name, address, credit card number) so no one can read it as it travels over the Internet. All account information submitted to us is safely isolated from unauthorized Internet access. To view our security certificate proceed to the Checkout area and click the secure lock in the Status bar of your browser.
shopping cart
We use e-junkie as our shopping cart. When you check out, you have the option to complete your purchases through our shopping cart or PayPal.
privacy policy
We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.
copyright notice
This site is owned and operated by Rockcreek Steel Drums. Unless otherwise specified, all materials appearing on this site, including text, site design, logos, graphics and images are the sole property of Rockcreek Steel Drums, Copyright 2014, all rights reserved.
Prices are subject to change.
sales tax
A 6.0% sales tax is applied to orders delivered to Maryland.
During the order process, the total cost of goods, the cost of shipping and sales taxes (if applicable) are clearly displayed. We ship internationally via the United States Postal Service. We make every effort to ship your order as quickly as possible. Unless otherwise specified, all orders are processed within 1-3 business days. Any customs charges will be assessed by the local country’s postal service.
order confirmation
You will receive an order confirmation via email within 24 hours. Please enable your computer to accept email from
order tracking
When your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping notification email. You can track your order through a link in this email.
Of course, we strive for 100% satisfaction. We have a return rate of less than 1%. If you are unhappy with our instruments for any reason, you may return the items in their original condition for a refund or credit within 30 days of receipt. Shipping charges will only be refunded if the return is due to our error. All returns must be accompanied by a copy of the receipt/order confirmation. After a return has been received, it will take 1-2 weeks to process. If using a credit card, refunds will be credited to your account. If paying by check, a refund check will be mailed to you. We suggest using UPS or insured Priority Mail for your protection.
We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express for orders on our website. We also offer the option of paying through PayPal.
school orders
We accept school purchase orders. If you are planning to submit a purchase order, please email us so that we can arrange the necessary paperwork.
